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Ingredients in Miller 64

Breweries are constantly searching for new flavors of beer or variations of current popular brews to introduce to the public. Miller Brewing Company noticed that its consumers were looking for a low-calorie alternative for its popular MGD line of beer. This led to the development of a low-calorie lager to meet the needs of its consumers, and MGD 64 was born.

The base of every beer is water. Water makes up about 90 percent of a beer's content. Miller brews its MGD 64 brand of light beer with the purest water possible, ensuring that the mineral blend in the water produces the smoothest-tasting lager possible. If the water isn't up to the company's quality codes, occasionally the water can be treated with chemicals to ensure the best-tasting water will produce the best-tasting beer.
Barley is the second key ingredient in Miller's MGD 64 beer. Before barley can be used in the production of beer, it has to go through a process called "malting." The barley is brought to its pinnacle of soluble startch by allowing the seeds to germinate and sprout roots. At this point, the barley has become full of starch, which it uses to convert to food for growth. In the brewing process at this point, the barley is heated to the point where it stops the growing process. The barley is still a sugar at this point, and it will react with the yeast that will be added during the brewing process to metabolize the malted barley into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol.

Miller's MGD 64 uses hops from the northwest United States. Hops are green and cone-shaped flowers that grow on the vines of plants in parts of Oregon, Idaho and Washington. Hopes give beer aroma and flavor. They are also important to the production of beer as they act as a natural agent to preserve freshness and taste.

Yeast is the active agent that turns all of the ingredients into Miller's MGD 64 beer. Without yeast's ability to interact and transform the other ingredients into beer, the ingredients simply wouldn't be able to act in unison during the brewing process. Yeast converts simple starches and sugars into alcohol by the process of fermentation. Yeast is also able to transform the ingredients into distinct tastes and flavors.

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Ingredients in Miller 64