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Coopers Beer Kit Instructions

Making beer at home is an enjoyable pastime for many connoisseurs. Knowing that they control the ingredients in your beer gives peace of mind to many. Home brewing kits are available to assist in the beer-making process, guiding you each step of the way. The Coopers Micro Brew Kit is one such product, helping you brew natural beer without additives or preservatives.

Things You'll Need
  • Beer kit

Remove the lid, yeast package and instructions from the can of Coopers lager. Invert the can in hot water in a sink or bucket for 10 minutes to make pouring less challenging.

Open the can of lager with a can opener from the bottom, and empty the contents into the fermenter. Rinse out any lingering concentrate with warm water and pour the concentrate/water mixture into the fermenter. Add 2.2 lbs. or 1 kg of brewing sugar and a half-gallon of boiling water. This is known as “wort.”

Stir the mixture with a long wooden or plastic mixing spoon until it is blended together thoroughly, and place the fermenter on a shelf or close to the edge of a countertop to make bottling less of a challenge.
Ensure the temperature is between 69 and 80 degrees F by checking the adhesive thermometer. Open up the packet of yeast and sprinkle it evenly over the surface of the wort only when the temperature is in the desired range. Seal the container immediately. The fermenter must be stored in an area that is constantly within your temperature target range to maintain the proper temperature.

Insert the airlock into the grommet in the fermenter lid, and add cooled boiled water into the bulbs of the airlock until they are half full. The bulbs are small glass cylinders, each roughly half the size of your thumb.

Wait for three hours, and look to see if the airlock has begun to bubble. Bubbling confirms that fermentation has begun. If the temperature remains steady between 69 and 80 degrees, the fermentation process will be done in four to seven days.

Fill the hydrometer tube by drawing some beer from the tap to check for doneness. The hydrometer sinks lower in the tube as fermentation progresses, and should read between 1008 and 1010 when the beer is ready to bottle. Check after the fourth day, and then each day after that if it isn't finished yet.

Prime the bottles to ready them for secondary fermentation by adding carbonation drops to each one. Add one carbonation drop for 12 oz. bottles and two for 25 oz. bottles.

Press the bottler tube directly onto the opening on the tap on the fermenter and position a bottle over the opening. Open the valve and fill the bottle until the beer is 2 inches from the top. Repeat with the rest of the bottles until you have about 1 inch of liquid left on the fermenter bottom. Discard the remainder of the liquid.

Cap each bottle with one of the screw-on caps provided in the kit. Invert each bottle four times after capping to mix the beer with the priming sugar.

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Coopers Beer Kit Instructions