How to Make Coffee Designs
Although coffee provides rich aroma and deep flavor, a latte or cappuccino satisfies even more with an intriguing design made in the frothy...

Foods to Avoid on a Diabetic Diet Sweets are OK on occasion, but keep your portions small. Purestock/Purestock/Getty Images What yo...

Roasted Strawberry Amaranth Porridge
I get bored with standard breakfasts fairly quickly and find myself constantly changing things up. I will often alternate between eggs,...

Finger Foods for Kids' Parties
Cupcakes may be the main event at birthday parties but that doesn't mean finger foods for kids can't be just as much fun. Each of t...

Coconut Breakfast Cookies with Cacao Nibs
Lately, mornings tend to be hurried. I find myself reaching for the jar of peanut butter more often than trying to prepare a proper bre...

Overnight Oat and Chia Pudding with Cardamom Berries
With this recipe, you never have to scramble for a tasty, healthy breakfast in the morning. Make this super-easy oat and chia pudding t...

How to Make the Healthiest Coffee
Coffee’s reputation as a pick-me-up is well-established, but its status as a health food is less clear. Is it really healthy? The short ans...

5 Infused Water Recipes to Improve Your Health
Drinking plenty of water can help prevent bothersome dehydration symptoms such as headaches and fatigue, improve muscle function during exe...

How to Make Ranch Dressing
You would have difficulty searching for a ranch dressing recipe and finding the same one twice. Like ketchup, the taste of ranch dressing, ...

How to Make The Best Fat Burning Protein Shake
Drinking a protein shake to lose weight is based upon scientific research that indicates not all calories are the same. According to Do...
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